“The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.” – Abraham Lincoln
I have a best friend, we met the first day of school our freshmen year of high school. We were attending Osterholz American High School in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany. It became a day I would not forget. We started off very well and got along handsomely. Then there was a girl and a fight and nothing for several months. Then another argument and apologies and friendship. We have been friends for 23 years (as of August 2012). We kept in lose contact over the first few years after our families moved back to the US. Then as we started working we were able to call and travel. We have taken vacations together and look forward to a several more.
Years ago I came across an excerpt from a book called Families, “A Peck of Salt” by Jane Howard © 1978 and it talks about how our closest friends become family. You can read the excerpt here.
Today, we see each other once a year, at an event called Thunder Over Louisville and then as often as occasion permits. Our lives are richer with our friendship.
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