Finally after waiting for 2 months I got my domain back & I moved IronWil to a new hosting company that has all the wiz-bang features that will help me manage this site. I have also finally decided on a theme/topic for my little corner of the net.
Security has been a focus of mine back in the days when Kazaa was the P2P network & the RIAA went ape on them [aprox. 2003]. Ever since then I have been security conscience, making recommendations to clients, family, & others that I talked with. I have been mindful enough to have landed a job with a consulting firm that focused on Government and Rick Compliance. I read daily the events that have shaped the current computer landscape.
Everybody has their opinions and their interpretation of the current [and ever changing] computing environment. My goal with IronWil is to bring the top of mind items to one place, have a place to rant, & rave.
iron wil