Old friends &
familiar faces.
We see so
many races;
Everyday there’s
someone new added to our memories.
Look back into the past-
we see images of yesterday;
The faces of today have
older, wiser, more paranoid & shallow.
We meet old friends that
have been lost before;
In the most unusual places
our mind could ever select.
I see them as I
look around –
my friends of yesteryear;
Seeing how we’ve changed,
seeing how we’ve died
Why what for –
it’s time to face
the time.
Time musically flows
along –
the stream that never ends.
We still meet
the faces –
that left scars in the
Faces that change &
yet, are so familiar.
Holding keys to
the life of others;
we shape
and change that which is around us.
Old friends &
familiar faces;
Torn blue jeans &
fat shoe laces.
Changes from yesterday –
painted on our minds;
Does death bring
the end of life . . . ? . . .
Or just a new Remembering ? ? ?
Dedicated to those I’ve lost touch with.
wil becker