where character counts and integrity is the keystone

I, Wrote


Lost in this World no city of Angels ‑
Nowhere to find the truth, nowhere to turn.
If it’s love your looking for,
You’ve gotta know where to look ‑
No matter where you go
no matter what you do;
you’ll never find the City of Angels.

In their city ‑hidden from men‑
and you’ll never know when.
It’s always moving ‑ never in one place,
Their moving ’round at their own holy pace.
No matter where you look or when ‑
they are hidden from our faces, living in holy grace.

We chased ’em for our evil ways ‑
Left ‑ no more to stay;
This world went corrupt &
it wasn’t fast or abrupt.
We lost ‑ changed our faces;
What do we believe in?
A City of Angels???

wil becker

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