InformationWeek writer Serdar Yegulalp wrote a nice article about his experience with Vista and Ubuntu. He installed and tested them each on three different machines. He starts the article declaring that he is a Vista Lover, which is good since he doesn’t come out in the end with an answer of who wins [probably Vista].
His observations and points are well stated and his desire to paint a fair picture is okay. I, however, have to admit that I have been telling people to move to Ubuntu instead of Vista. He does, go back and forth between Ubuntu 6.10 [LTS – probably] and 7.04. So, I am not sure which version he actually tested, because he says, 7.04 in the beginning of the article but later talks a lot about 6.10.
I would still recommend Ubuntu if one doesn’t want to spend the money on Mac hardware for OS X.
iron wil
(1) InformationWeek, Ubuntu Linux Vs. Windows Vista: The Battle For Your Desktop.