where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Article, Personal Growth

Integrity, Part 2

So, a person with integrity lives by a moral code that involves honesty, virtue, decency, and goodness. Hopefully now that you know what integrity is you will be able to see it in yourself and others.

Unfortunately, in our society it seems that integrity is not valued. It seems that those who stand up for values and virtue are continually being attacked because of their “Judeo-Christian” values. I just have one question, Why are individuals who exercise beliefs that have supported societies, states, kingdoms, and nations for thousands of years accused of being hateful and oppressive? This is something that I have not ever understood. It makes no sense to me that men and women are being attacked because of their beliefs … ideals that have stood for millennia!

Starting with basic trust that used to begin every initial interaction between humans. We used to show respect before receiving it and we used to be courteous to others especially when we didn’t know them. Now, a woman cusses out a man, who in an act of kindness hold a door for her. Not to be chauvinistic or oppressive; but to be a gentleman. I live in an area where it is often practiced by myself and others to hold doors open. The other day, I went into a gas station and a couple was just ahead of me and the man opened the door and then held it for me after his lady entered. I thanked him and went on in about my business. This type of small courtesy happens hundreds of times a day just in my community. Not to mention that it happens in thousands of communities across the United States and NOT just in “Fly Over Country”. Which is the heart of the America.

Why not be a man or woman of integrity? Why not be a trustworthy and dependable individual?

I have a friend who believes in living a life of integrity; lets call him Major … many years ago we worked in an Operations Center. A certain employee there didn’t like him and started telling lies about him to other employees. Things that could have been true and couldn’t be verified by other members of the team. Then one day this guy decided to tell others on the team that Major cussed him out and that he had lost his cool with another person in an adjoining office and went off on her as well. At this point the staff realized that he had been lying the whole time and his reputation was ruined. Major came through unscathed and his reputation and influence grew within the organization.

When I was a teenager I participated in Boy Scouts. Now, this isn’t anything spectacular because there are millions of boys in America that participate. For me the difference was the Scout Law: a Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. I took these words to heart and as I made my way into adult hood they helped me to navigate the rough waters. I had a difficult time because I wanted to find my own way. I wanted to be different. The problem that I ran into is that my idea of different was really being like everyone else that wasn’t of my faith. After several years of falling on my face and make poor choices I had an experience that really changed my life. I caused me to reevaluate my personal choices and change my course.

As you can tell, I chose a life of faith. The lessons of my youth came back to me and I have since tried to live up to the standards and examples set for me.

There is nothing that I can do to make another chose a life of integrity. Each person must come to this decision on their own. The only thing I can say about it is this … “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mohandas Gandhi

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