where character counts and integrity is the keystone


A Bite of History

My oldest loves history, so when our church announced the new temple open house in Philadelphia. We say it as an opportunity to see the new temple and take in some US history. My wife and I then planned a 2 day trip to Philly. We started to look forward to the experience and our boys started to get excited and talk about it. We made our plans and booked a hotel.

The temple was a wonderful experience and both our boys found it very interesting. We enjoyed seeing the liberty bell and Independence Hall; we took the big bus tour the around the city several times and really enjoyed the history of the city we got to see! It was a beautiful opportunity to reaffirm our boys belief and love of our country. They asked questions and my oldest was even able to tell us some things he has learned from school and from his reading.

The time we spent in Philly was not sufficient to really get into all the fun and the many different activities available to us. So a return trip is planned and I have a feeling it will include many more of the historical sites and events!

It is important that we connect with our nations history! The study of our founders and the events leading up to the Revolution and the Constitution really show how blessed we are to have the nation we have today! No other nation has done or come close to what was born here on this continent 240 years ago! I would invite each and every one of us to study American History by reading and watching the material published … from both sides. We also need to approach this with an open mind and then spend the time learning the truth. Yes, I am even saying that I need to have an open mind.

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