where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Personal Growth, Personal Story, Quote

Shakespeare, Cowards Die

Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste death but once.” – William Shakespeare

When I first came across this quote is just sounded cool.  I understood that it spoke about embarrassment and being caught in lies and other problems.  Later on as I continued to grow and understand myself and Integrity; this quote started to really sink into my heart and soul.  I started to realize that I wanted to become a person with sufficient character so that I would “never taste death but once”.  Once this dawning happened, I started to put more energy into my personal efforts to change.

I don’t know that I could really define my definition of ‘Coward’ today.  It has much more meaning than just what we can find in Webster’s Dictionary.  I am confidant that I no longer meet the description of ‘Coward’.

Be Valiant!
