where character counts and integrity is the keystone


Netflix’s for Home Theater!!!

I don’t know if this is on the road map for Netflix or not; but I would hope that they are building up enough streaming customers to make it a negotiable item for them.

I would love to watch new release movies in my living room on opening weekend in my home.  I would be willing to pay 20$ for this.  My own snacks, a pause button, my couch, being able to sit and watch a new movie in my home!  That would rock!  Think about it the Studios could take most of that [90%/10%] and make much more than I am guessing they do through the current movie theater system.

Of course, if I like a movie enough, I may then go see it in the theater for that huge screen or to see it in 3D.  I am just saying … how about it Hollywood!?!

iron wil