where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Personal Story

You’ve Gotta Have Friends

This last week, I celebrated another birthday. I am now 34 and I have to admit that it was a fantastic birthday!

For some, birthdays are hullabaloos, but for me it means a nice quiet dinner with friends.  This year it was an extra special treat!  I have 2 best friends and this year I was able to celebrate with one of them.  Brian lives in the town where I attended college, we meet in ’97.  HD, his wife and I were born on the same day and in the same year.  Since New Year’s Eve of that year we have celebrated our birthday together.

I got so excited as we prepared to our trip to Texas.  I was so anxious to get out to see them!  My wife even commented on it.  I cannot tell youse how wonderful it was to be in their home and bask in the love and friendship that we share. Despite that fact that we have yet to consume a “peck of salt”, we are still the best of friends and truly they are part of my family.


Some porkchops, some sides, some cheesecake & Blue Bell how else could we spend our birthday?!?  Well, there just wasn’t any another way to spend the day.

I will admit that the only thing I miss more than the ice cream are Brian & HD.  I miss the casual dinners at home, the grilling, the chats about scripture, going out to dinner, and even the evenings just chilling and watching TV.

Brian & HD, I just want to thank you for the best birthday a guy could have!  All my love!
