Now More Compatible
Hosts: Paul Thurrott and Leo Laporte
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2, Windows Not Walls, new Hotmail, Windows Live Video Message, and more.
- Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 released
- Mojave Experiment update
- Plus: Windows, Not Walls with Jerry Seinfeld
- Windows Mobile 6.1 phone arrives: BlackJack II
- iPhone 3G issues in D.C.
- Rumors of Windows Live Wave 3
- New Hotmail coming
- Windows Live Video Message
- Windows Live Movie Maker?
- Microsoft updates WGA notifications in XP
- Battle of the set-top boxes
Tip of the week:
- Use to get RSS feeds in your email
- $0.99 iTunes Movie of the Week
Software of the week:
- Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2
- Teracopy
Audible pick of the week: Election 2008. For a free audiobook, visit
Check out Paul’s blog at and the SuperSite for Windows for more information.
get yours here.
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