where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Link, Note

Better Late Than . . . 2 New TWiT NetCasts . . .

Windows Weekly & TWiT were published this weekend.

Windows Weekly 55: User Annoyance Control
Hosts: Paul Thurrott and Leo Laporte


Audbile Pick: Fatherland by Robert Harris

Vista Tip: Dual booting Windows versions

Software Pick: Vista Boot Pro

Check out Paul’s Blog at http://www.internet-nexus.com and the SuperSite for Windows http://winsupersite.com for more information.

TWiT 139: 4-TWiTty
Hosts: Leo Laporte, John C. Dvorak, Veronica Belmont, Paul Thurrott, and Roger McGuinn

get yours WW here and TWiT here.

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