where character counts and integrity is the keystone


“Online security … a ‘never-ending battle'”

“Sir Tim Berners-Lee, credited as the inventor of the Web, has described online security as a ‘never-ending battle’.”1

The importance of this statement is that security, whether online or physical, is always changing and it is a never-ending battle! I am not trying to be an alarmist, talk to anybody in the security industry and they will tell you that things are changing all the time. The good news is that if we are conscious of where we browse, what eMails we open, and what links we click we can protect ourselves better than any software.

When I was a teen, my father was serving in the Army and we were stationed in Germany [which is a fabulous place]. This was a great! We loved it and always enjoyed the food, culture, and people – one thing that we didn’t enjoy was all the trouble some political refugees could cause. We were constantly taught to be aware of our surroundings and pay attention to suspicious looking/acting people. This was not hard, dad taught us things to look for and so did the AFN [Armed Forces Network] commercials that were on the limited US TV channel that was broadcast. To this day my favorite spot in a restaurant is the one where I can put my back to a corner [which bugs my wife a little].

I still watch for suspicious looking/acting people and try to pay a lot of attention to my surroundings. I know since I have been state side for years that I didn’t have to keep these skills up, but I have! I have become just as conscious about where I browse online and with good Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware, I have not had ANY virus or malware problems on my computer [thank goodness].

There are many good programs that help with computer security, but user error still accounts for the majority of problems.

iron wil


1) ZDNet Australia, Berners-Lee: Web security still a fight.